Thursday, April 23, 2009

Rev Up your Metabolism and Keep Your Weight Down

Put your metabolism to work for you. Now’s the perfect time to incorporate some metabolic-revving tips into your daily regimen and avoid gaining weight. Rev Up Your Body’s Engine We eat food for fuel. When we burn it for energy to run our bodies, the process creates heat. Our ShapeWorks® products assist the body’s engine to burn fuel efficiently, helping our metabolism stay revved and functioning well. Daily Regimen Tips Keep your metabolism revved with these tips: Engage in 30 minutes of activity every day to help minimize weight gain and to raise metabolic rate. Tone your muscles by weight training three days a week. Start small–try walking with one- to two-pound weights. Do not eat fewer than 1,200 calories a day. Eating too little may slow your metabolism. Never skip breakfast. It may slow down your metabolism. Use Herbalife products every day including Total Control and Herbal Concentrate. Have a supply of Herbalife's products on hand and reach for these when you want a snack.

To know how you get the product call us at 0433213457 or +639296147187 or +639189457148

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good Health Lasts a Lifetime With Cellular Nutrition

Everyone needs Cellular Nutrition. It's that important to your long-term good health.

Good nutrition doesn't have to be complicated. Learn the simple way to deliver the nutrients your body needs at the cellular level.

Each day, your system is challenged by factors that rob you of valuable nutrients, undermining your health, damaging your skin and making weight management a struggle. When your body's nutritional needs are not met, your health suffers.


To know more call us at 0433213457 or +639296147187 or 09296147187

Bone Health: The Hard Truth About Brittle Bones

There’s plenty you can do to build healthy bones and maintain them as you age.

Our bones fight a never-ending battle against the causes of osteoporosis. Here are some tips for building healthy bone mass from childhood to adulthood.

Our bones fight a never-ending battle against the effects of hormone changes and general dietary and lifestyle factors–leaving both men and women with an increased risk of osteoporosis.

What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones. Almost 80% of osteoporosis is found in women, although a growing number of older men are also at risk.

Healthy bones begin with childhood
Fortunately, there’s plenty you can do to build healthy bones and maintain them as you age. Children should eat three to four servings of calcium-enriched foods every day to build healthy bones. As an adult, it’s best to add a calcium supplement to your diet.

Soy also appears to benefit bones, replacing calcium-depleting animal protein in the diet and providing a great source of bone-building isoflavones.

Making bone health a priority
Take control of your diet, increase your activity and curb such lifestyle habits as alcohol or smoking. With regular effort, you’ll give yourself the very best chance of having healthy bones–no bones about it!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Food for Fuel

Your body is a complex machine that requires the right combination of fuel to keep it running at peak efficiency. It obtains this energy from the foods you eat. However, what you eat plays an extremely important role when it comes to supporting optimum energy levels.

Sugar causes energy peaks and troughs

Many people are unaware that unhealthy food choices contribute to their lack of energy, with sugar consumption the main culprit. Americans consume over 150 pounds of sugar yearly in candy and soft drinks. A large sugar load initially provides a quick energy boost, which is followed by a rapid decline. This is the reason so many Americans feel sleepy after lunch. Processed sugars such as pastas, rice, breads and chips cause these peaks and troughs in people’s energy levels. The remedy to this situation is a healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and ample hydration.

Water works

Hydration in the human body is paramount to our health and our energy level is greatly impacted by the amount of water that we drink. Even a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25-30% loss of energy in most people. Eight glasses of water daily, which is approximately 2 liters, is a healthy amount of hydration. Proper hydration maintains healthy bodily function and prevents fatigue.


In addition to water, our bodies also need high-energy foods to perform our daily routines. All food is broken down into three major macronutrients: Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins. Certain Carbohydrates can be a good source of energy, while others can cause imbalances in blood sugar. Whole-grains such as whole-wheat bread or brown rice help to even out blood sugar levels. Other carbs, such as candy bars, sodas, chips and cookies are simple sugars which cause the peaks and troughs. There are also different kinds of fats. Flax seed oil, fish oil, olive oil, as well as the natural oils founds in seeds and nuts, are healthy for the body and help to increase your energy. All trans fats are undesirable, so be sure to read food labels for the amount of these fats in any food. Protein is the third macronutrient which is essential to energy production. The best sources of protein come from lean meats, fish, white meat of chicken, and healthy soy protein. Avoid protein from fast foods, as it lacks nutritional value and is often processed meat. Also remember to stay away from fatty cuts of meat. Look for lean cuts marked “loin” like “tenderloin” or “sirloin.”

Another great way to increase your energy is by drinking a healthy, nutritious protein shake. For example, Herbalife’s Formula 1 shakes provide the ideal balance of protein, carbohydrates and vitamins that are important for maintaining energy levels throughout the day.

Lasting energy

Our bodies require high-energy foods to perform our daily routines and to maintain a level of consistent energy. Additionally, it’s important to avoid sugar, which causes the energy “peaks and troughs.” Remember, the combination of good nutrition, drinking plenty of water and avoiding high-sugar foods, will help you achieve the energy to fuel your day.

Say No to Sodas and Coffee

Carbonated beverages account for more than a quarter of all drinks consumed in the U.S. and a staggering 21 percent of the sugar in the American diet. Sodas also contain a large amount of empty calories, and chronic consumption can lead to obesity and tooth decay. The sugars and acid in soda can dissolve tooth enamel and lead to cavities. Millions of people also love the smell, taste and shared experience of their morning coffee. Americans drink more than 400 million cups per day, making the United States the leading consumer of coffee in the world. Most coffees and sodas provide a boost; however, the same energy-producing factor can be derived from healthier sources.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

HEALTHY BREAKFAST (Feel Good and Control Your Weight)


In the morning, simple carbohydrates (white rice, white bread, sugary refined cereals, toast, etc.) cause an immediate surge of blood sugar level which results to a substantial emission of insulin. The insulin removes sugar from the blood turning its excess into fats. The result is decreased level of blood sugar, and craving for more carbs. This cycle repeats itself 2 to 3 times during the day. This vicious circle constitutes one of the major reasons for DIABETIS, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, and EXTRA WEIGHT.


When you skip breakfast, blood sugar drops below the normal level, you experience cravings and a drop in energy. You again revert to simple carbohydrates to achieve a quick surge of blood sugar and to overcome hunger and experience increased energy. Simple carbohydrates will cause an immediate surge of blood sugar level and a substantial insulin emission. The insulin removes sugar from the blood turning its excess into fats. This cycle repeats itself 2 to 3 times during the day. This vicious circle constitutes one of the major reasons for DIABETIS, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, and EXTRA WEIGHT.


Such a breakfast supplies our body with all vital nutrients and energy without increasing blood sugar and insulin levels. It helps to avoid dependence on carbs during the day. In this way, appetite stays under control, cravings for carbs (snacks, chocolate, pastry, junk foods, soft drinks, etc.) diminish and the body uses its stored fats to get more energy.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We're eating more JUNK and GETTING LESS EXERCISE . . .
Obesity is the Globe's Newest Epidemic
Statistic shows that obesity could lead to host of life-threatening illnesses such as CANCER, HEART DISEASE, STROKE and DIABETES

The Journal of American Medical Association featured a study that OBESITY appears to lessen life expectancy.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Limit Meat Consumption

Most foods contain protein, including fruits and vegetables, yet many people still believe the myth that meat is the best or only source of protein. This myth and the dietary habits that support it are having serious health ramifications.
The average North American eats over 248 pounds of meat every year. That’s about 40 percent of his or her diet. Most experts con¬firm that meat should not exceed about 10 percent of our overall food intake. So the average person is eating four times the amount of meat he or she needs.
While the proponents of high-protein diets espouse their weight-loss capacity, the reality is that almost everyone is currently on a high-protein diet just because of excessive meat consumption. And the overweight and obesity statistics are staggering.
One of the things proponents of high protein diets won’t tell you is that excess protein in your diet is turned into glucose (sugar) or glycogen (a spe¬cific type of sugar that is made in the liver and muscles in your body), or turned into fat. That’s right: Too much protein is stored as fat!
But it’s not just the quantity of protein foods that play a role in health—the quality of the protein is also important. Animal protein requires a massive amount of energy and plentiful amounts of digestive juices and enzymes to adequately break down the meat into its amino acid constituent components. The result: Excessive meat can be hard on the digestive system and your whole body. And depending on the strength of your digestive system, even a small amount of concentrated protein foods like meat may be dif¬ficult for your body to break down, meaning your body may not be getting the important amino acids contained within the protein food. Everyone is unique in this regard.
Meat is also devoid of fiber and contains little water, both of which are needed to ensure the proper movement of foods through the digestive tract. Excess meat can slow the whole process and potentially lead to waste and toxins being absorbed through the walls of your intestines alongside the nutrients that normally follow this path. Additionally, the by-products of meat digestion are acidic and can put a strain on the kidneys to eliminate the acid.
Start today to limit your intake of all types of animal protein to no more than 15 percent of your diet. Instead of trying to count calories to determine 15% of your diet. Estimate 15 percent based on the amount of food on your plate. If your plate was divided into six portions of food, 15 percent would be a little less than 1/6 of all the food on your plate. Yes, that includes white meat, red meat, and any other type of meat, including fish, and eggs. That means taking a look at your plate and making sure that only about one-seventh of the food you’re eating is meat. And try to choose only organic meat free of antibiotics, hormones, or other unwanted ingredients. Remember: You are what you eat!


Have you ever wondered why the older you get the harder it is to maintain your weight, let alone lose it? There are people that work out everyday for an hour a day and eat low fat foods, and they still can't get those extra ten pounds off. As they get older they notice that their cravings for fats and sweets increase. They get more illnesses. They have more physical problem. They are tired all the time.
In your small intestines, there are finger-like protrusions called villi. If you look it up in the dictionary it is under "villus". It is through these villi that absorption of nutrients from your food takes place. Through the years your villi get damaged and break off. Things that damaged your villi are: (1) STRESS, (2) ALCOHOL, (3) ADDITIVES, (4) AIRBORNE TOXINS LIKE EXHAUST FUMES, (5) MEDICATIONS, (6) SMOKING, (7) FATS, (8) PRESERVATIONS, (9) DRUGS, and (10) SALTS. As your villi continue to become damaged it becomes increasingly difficult for your body to absorb nutrients.
First of all, you start needing more food - your appetite increases as you do your cravings - because your body needs more nutrients. You also start to crave fats and sugars because they are the easiest substance for your body to absorb. You become fatigued when your body is not getting proper nutrition When your villi are not healthy, your body thinks it is starving and it stores instead of burning your fats. You may be saying, "well, I eat really healthy, I love low fat foods and I take vitamins." Some of you may be working out of the gym. Even though you may be doing these things, you can still be experiencing the symptoms that were described. The underlying problem is most likely absorptions. No matter how much good food and vitamins you take in, if your body is not absorbing them, then it is a total waste.
To get your weight off and to keep it off, you need to feed your body on a cellular level. Your body can repair and rebuild the villi to the healthy state it was when you were younger.
70% of premature death are due to CANCER, DIABETES, HEART DISEASE & STROKES
50% of these deaths are DIET RELATED or due to POOR NUTRITION
70% of all doctor's visits are DIET RELATED or due to POOR NUTRITION


Located at Brgy D., Poblacion, Rosario, Batangas (Subido Arcade Rosario Batangas)

Clinic Hours:
Dr. Rosario Blanco (FAMILY MED) -- M-W-F-9AM to 4PM
Dr. Aurelia Miral (FAMILY MED) --T-Th-S-2PM to 4:30PM

Clinical Lab Services by IBAAN CLINICAL LABORATORY (accredited by DOH)
Every 2nd and last Sunday of the Month

FREE Free Foot Screening

Note: No food and drinks the night before blood extraction
Package Promo
Lipid Profile-PHP 500.00
Fbs,cholesterol, triglycerides,creatinine, urinalysis, ECG- Php 650.00

Free medical checkup for patients who avail clinical services

Physical Therapy Treatment
Every Sat and Sun afternoon
Please contact Ms. Dorie Torrano at 09174327956 for scheduled PT

Wellness Nutritional Services
Open Daily: 7:30AM-4:30PM

For more information please call or text 09189457148 or 0433213457 or 0433112056


shake, tea for your good health, daily Mon-Sun 7:30am-4:30pm.

We are located Subido Arcade Rosario Batangas.

For more information call 09189457148


What to give?

Take Note that:

We Are Eating to Feed Our Body's Cells... And Give Enough Nutrients

Choose the right food to stay healthy...


FOUR Leading Causes of Death in the Philippines

  • HEART Disease
  • VASCULAR Diseases
According to the Department of Health (DOH) 70% of the
leading causes of death in the Philippines is
non–communicable diseases caused by unhealthy
lifestyle, including inactivity, poor diet, smoking and
other vices.

The Importance of Shape

What is your shape?
You may think you know when you look in the mirror, or you may be too busy trying to
cover up unshapely areas to really see yourself as you are. Do you know how much fat
you’re carrying, compared to how much muscle? Do you know where you tend to gain
weight–upper body, lower body or around the middle? Until you know the answers to
these questions, you are not ready to make your personal plan for losing weight and
keeping it off. Understanding your body is the first step to reaching your best personal
shape. As someone who teaches both doctors and the public about obesity, I believe
weight loss has been overemphasized and body shape underemphasized. You have
probably read about the Body-Mass Index (BMI), which is a weight-to-height ratio. If
your BMI is greater than 25, you are considered overweight in the U.S., and if it is
greater than 30 you are obese. This ratio has been a powerful way for scientists to
document the obesity epidemic in this country and its effects on health and disease.
However, when it comes to you as an individual, it can be misleading. A football player
can be considered overweight on the BMI scale, but if the extra weight being carried is
muscle, he is not really fat. A thin woman can have a normal BMI, yet still be over-fat.
So shape counts.
Shapes are personal and go beyond the usual apple and pear. Women can have three
typical body shapes–upper body fat, lower body fat and both upper and lower body fat.
Men usually only get upper body fat. The upper body stores fat in times of stress and
some people can lose and gain weight rapidly in the upper body. The lower body fat in
women responds to female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone and stores
fat for breastfeeding a newborn baby. Women who have both upper and lower body fat
will lose their upper body fat first. Women with more upper body fat tend to have more
muscle than women with lower body fat and will need more protein in their diet to help
control their hunger. Losing weight is harder if you have lower body fat rather than
upper body fat, but the medical benefits of losing your upper body fat are greater.
Losing weight around your neck, face, chest and waist usually goes along with losing fat
on the inside as well. So as you look better, you are also improving your health
Finally, there are two more body shapes to consider: The shape you can change and
the shape you can’t change. It is important to know the difference and work on the
shape you can change, while adjusting your wardrobe and attitudes to the shape you
cannot change. Due to low metabolism, many women with lower body fat can’t lose
weight just by cutting calories. These lower body-fat cells are resistant to both exercise
and diet. Only a personalized program can help make sure you get enough protein to
control cravings and build or maintain lean muscle

Overweight linked with premature death

In January 2003, the Journal of the American Medical Association featured a study that
found that obesity appears to lessen life expectancy, especially among young adults.
The researchers compared Body-Mass Index (BMI) to longevity and found a correlation
between premature death and higher BMIs. For example, a 20-year-old white male,
5’10” weighing 288 pounds with a BMI of greater than 40 was estimated to lose 13
years of his life as a result of obesity. While this study referenced extreme levels of
obesity, there are still millions of overweight Americans with a life expectancy rate that
is three to five years less than their healthy-weight counterparts.